
L’« onboarding » des fournisseurs, l’autre volet de la conduite du changement - Acxias, L'agence Digital Achats, experts et consultants SAP Ariba

HomeArticlesBlogSupplier "onboarding" is the other part of driving change

15 April 2021

More and more companies have equipped their purchasing management with a digital solution and successfully deployed them through a driving change effective internally. But the overall performance and optimum of Source-to-pay systems and processes also depends on the digital collaboration of suppliers, increasingly involved in these projects in an extensive business logic. Extending the process of information, training and support to its external partners is therefore essential. All the more so since the willingness and ability of suppliers to interact with their contractors via digital platforms, remain largely perfectable, despite the advantages that this could bring them: accelerated exchanges, increased visibility, reduced errors and disputes, compliance with payment deadlines, improved tracking of files, etc., as evidenced by the results of the Barometer Acxias in 2019-2020.

Technical, financial and psychological barriers

Of course, of the 60 or so suppliers who responded, a very large majority ensure that they exchange electronically with all or part of their customers to respond to requests for information or encryption (84%), to participate in tenders (93%) and, most importantly, receive orders (95%). The use of digital platforms for performance management is also widespread, whether it is participating in evaluation surveys (compliance, risk, performance, etc.) or managing progress plans. On the other hand, the responses confirm the delay in the digital transmission of the company's regulatory information and documents, participation in reverse auctions, exchange of transactional documents and, more importantly, electronic billing. To explain this situation, many suppliers cite technical or financial difficulties, these projects requiring specialized resources and a substantial investment for SMEs. But the psychological brake, which translates into resistance to change, is far from negligible.

Allowing buyers to support suppliers

Also, when implementing and deploying a digital purchasing solution, including suppliers in the process of driving change is crucial to the success of the project. This is as early as possible. However, "while a transformation project is already difficult to manage internally, how can it be done when external partners must also question their way of operating," asks Bertrand Gabriel, Director of Development and Strategic Accounts at Acxias.

According to him, the conduct of change with suppliers must start with the "closest partners" and the most favorable to the project, especially those already using the same digital platform for other customers. They should be involved and not put in front of the fait accompli. The others will have to follow... at the risk of being sidelined? To avoid this exclusion, work must be done internally to explain the reciprocal issues, and allow buyers to accompany all suppliers by giving them the answers to the questions that might arise. It is also recommended to identify at the suppliers, the key people who will be able to bring this process of change within their company.

Full article from The Watch Digital Purchasing : "The conduct of change, the soul of digital transformation"

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