
La conduite du changement, clé multiple de la réussite des projets - Acxias, L'agence Digital Achats, experts et consultants SAP Ariba

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8 December 2022

In the face of resistance of all kinds, effective change management is an essential success factor for digitalization strategies. For each project, a specific approach is required to implement the chosen solution in the best conditions, from the analysis of the existing to the support of users.

Any change in habits generates resistance and IT projects are no exception to the rule. "Less than 20% of stakeholders are generally in favour of change", Explains Bertrand Gabriel, Director of Developmentment and strategic accounts d'Acxias, based on the hundred betssions Integration and deployment of digital solutions Purchases Led by its teams in fifteen Years. "Among the remaining 80% of actors, the vast majority of whom prefer to remain in the background in 'waiting to see', 10 to 20% position themselves as opponents, systematically advancing arguments against the project." Beyond the scope concerned internally, it is also necessary to face the reluctance of certain partners, who are increasingly led to connect to the company's tools in collaborative mode.

Faced with these diverse populations and attitudes, the ability to lead and succeed driving change, or "change management" in English, is a key success factor of the project. Specifically, the gait aims to facilitate and accelerate the adoption of the new solution and associated practices, by mitigating the resistance of people whose activity is impacted by the project. "He is to bring gradually Organization To maturity on The changes To implement, for evolve smoothly and manner guided to the target environment", Summarizes Bertrand Gabriel. With one ultimate goal: maximize the deployment rate, improving the use of the solution and reducing the need for support.

Full article in IT for Business, November 2022: "Change management, multiple keys to project success"

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