
La digitalisation des achats garantit aux ETI des gains supplémentaires - Acxias, L'agence Digital Achats, experts et consultants SAP Ariba

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7 September 2020

Sur le processus Procure-to-pay (P2P), le potentiel de gain pour les ETI-PME se chiffre souvent en millions d’euros à horizon de 2 à 3 ans, estime Bertrand Gabriel, directeur d’Acxias en charge du développement. Il repose sur des leviers d’actions à plusieurs niveaux. D’abord en systématisant la mise en concurrence, si possible auprès de fournisseurs référencés. Ensuite en rendant obligatoires les commandes – sauf exceptions validées par la direction – et en instaurant en amont un processus simple de validation des demandes d’achat, qui permet de réduire mécaniquement les dépenses. Puis, après contrôle de la bonne réception des produits ou des services, en disposant d’une chaîne automatisée d’enregistrement et de rapprochement des factures. « Cette chaîne de traitement doit reposer sur des fondations solides, autour de processus et de référentiels structurés (fournisseurs, articles, contrats, etc.) mais aussi, chaque fois que cela est possible, de catalogues matérialisant les tarifs des produits et services négociés en amont », considère-t-il.

Specialized solutions provide better functional coverage

To activate these levers, there would be no miracle solution. Optimization actually involves a combination of best practices, adapted tools and driving change, internally and with suppliers. However, "digitalization, which makes it possible to multiply gains, can no longer be an option," insists Bertrand Gabriel. Of course, ERP, as an extension of accounting and production management, and office software have long provided a first level of response. "But reasoning on the totality of the purchasing process, procurement and accounts payable, i.e. on the target scope of organizations seeking overall performance contributing to business results, specialized solutions offer better functional coverage and more flexibility, he continues. More innovation too."

What are the expectations of mid-caps?

While mid-caps and SMEs face the same purchasing challenges as large groups, their expectations vis-à-vis a Specialized digital solution can be much stronger in many ways. In terms of accessibility first, to facilitate user adoption and accelerate deployment. Beyond functional coverage, aligned with need and focused primarily on P2P transactional flows, The solution must be ergonomic, including screens particularly adapted to occasional users, from e-commerce standards and requiring little or no training. The speed of start-up and the ability to easily activate additional features are also decisive criteria when choosing. As well as the balance of power (size, proximity, etc.) with the partner providing the solution and ensuring its implementation, as balanced as possible, to guarantee listening and responsiveness to specific requests.

The question of profitability arises for mid-caps

"With the lack of internal resources to carry out the project, the budget is the other major concern of mid-caps and SMEs who wish to digitize their purchases," says Bertrand Gabriel. "Their leaders, who are very pragmatic, needRapid return on investment (ROI) ». This, given the volumes of purchases involved, often relatively limited, assumes that the solution is inexpensive, both in initial costs (acquisition of the solution, configuration and integration, training, deployment, etc.) and operating costs (use, administration, maintenance, etc.), and provides the greatest possible added value.

Full article from The Watch Digital Purchasing : "A new digital era is opening up for ETI purchases"

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