
La transformation digitale réclame transparence et accompagnement - Acxias, L'agence Digital Achats, experts et consultants SAP Ariba

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25 March 2021

To facilitate the deployment of a digital purchasing solution by, among other things, encouraging user buy-in, a driving change must be carried out, according to one Methodology analysis, training and accompaniment. These big steps are usually preceded by a first phase of information to announce the launch of the project and answer the general questions raised by any transformation project. Questions such as the meaning and nature of change: Why change? What is the change about? Why is this important for the company? What new tools and practices will need to be adopted? Etc.

Participatory workshops to co-build change

If the aim of this preliminary phase is to explain the purpose of the project and to reassure the stakeholders involved, it is also to mobilize a community to initiate the debates in a channelled way and engage the collaboration of the project's stakeholders in a solidarity way. "The involvement of future users, as early as possible and throughout the process, will be carried out in particular through "experience workshops" or participatory, which should allow them to express themselves and co-build change," says Bertrand Gabriel, director of development and strategic accounts at Acxias. This, with the support of dedicated resources within the business or operational units, to take into account all the dimensions of the problem.

Transverse steering of the conduct of change

It is essential that the various actions to drive change lead to the realization of the project and its objectives, through cross-cutting management carried out at all stages of the process. The performance of equities is measured by indicators determining the levels of information, understanding and finally of the adherence of the players concerned, grouped within a dashboard of change.

The first level of piloting is to ensure that the planned change actions have been carried out in terms of content, planning and cost. The second, more complex level is to assess whether the desired change is in progress and to review accordingly the risk management plan, initiated during the diagnostic and impact study stage. Finally, at the end of the project, it is necessary to verify that the approach to driving the change has led to the expected results, in particular to identify deviations from the target and to anticipate the corrective actions to be taken. "At this stage, it is also a question of identifying areas of progress, this time relying on business indicators, to strengthen user buy-in and improve the ripping-on effect," explains Bertrand Gabriel. For example, by presenting deployment indicators comparing progress between different units or sites.

Full article from The Watch Digital Purchasing : "The conduct of change, the soul of digital transformation"

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