Having become strategic, the purchasing function relies on new automation mechanisms to free up time for its teams, who can focus on critical files and activate new optimization levers..
Recurrent crises, globalization of trade, increased risks, multiplication of regulatory constraints, etc. Under market pressure, Purchases have gone from being a simple support service to a strategic function in a few years, forcing them to look for new avenues of optimization. Among them, theautomation provides an effective response, in particular to eliminate or at least reduce many painful and time-consuming administrative tasks: on the process from sourcing suppliers to placing orders, but also throughout the supply chain and invoicing-payment. On this perimeter, three areas are particularly concerned, to be traded by the one directly devolved to buyers for the registration of suppliers, the monitoring of contracts, the creation of calls for tenders or the updating of contracts.
Full article of the "Automated Enterprise" Dossier in IT for Business, November 2021: "Relieving buyers under pressure"