According to the latest mini-survey conducted by Acxias on social networks, the crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic would have been rather favorable to the digitalization of the function Purchases in companies. Half of the respondents consider that it has been an acceleration factor, and a small quarter that it has had no impact on ongoing projects. Nearly one in three businesses (28.6%) however, believes that it has had to slow down its initiatives in this area, probably in the sectors most affected by the economic slowdown. Those who have accelerated the digitalization of their purchases consider that the use of a digital solution constitutesn powerful lever Pto get through this critical episode. Indeed, if the necessary health protection forces them to buy new products and services (protective equipment, hygiene products, cleaning services, etc.), companies must at the same time do everything to preserve their cash flow by identifying new avenues for savings. They are also required to take action to mitigate the risks of disruption of their supply chain or decline in product quality, by identifying suppliers at risk and devising alternative solutions.