Postponement to 1er July 2024 of theobligation for companies to accept electronic invoices from their suppliers is timely! Indeed, acxias' latest online survey, conducted at the end of September via its accounts Linkedin And Twitter, highlighted a certain lack of preparation to meet the deadline initially set for 2023. Thus, only two-thirds of respondents believe that their company would have been ready, either because it is already ready (51%), or because the implementation of a dedicated device is underway (16%). Among the other third, respondents are divided between those who believe that their purchasing and accounting information system would probably not have been adapted on time (19%) and, more worryingly, those who admit to their total lack of knowledge of the subject (14%). Note that between mid-2024 and 2026, depending on their size, companies will also have to send all their invoices in electronic format as well as related data to the tax administration.