Among the main "disruptive" technologies, companies refer to the big data like the one that has or will have the most impact on the purchasing function, according to a mini-survey conducted online via the accounts Twitter And Linkedin Acxias at the end of January 2021. With nearly 35% citations, this technology in the field of Analytics (decision analysis to facilitate the exploitation of large volumes of data, available in more or less structured form, is ahead of theRobotic automation or RPA (27 %) and the blockchain (22 %). More surprisingly, theartificial intelligence (AI), which can provide assistance to buyers at different levels (research, data extraction or classification, risk analysis, event prediction, etc.), ranks last among the four proposed technologies, cited by only 16% of respondents. However, it is increasingly inseparable from big data analytics, one needing the other to be fully exploited and to gain performance.