One of the main advantages of a specialized solution Purchasesthe electronic catalogues are now widely deployed and used, according to the Acxias survey conducted at the end of March on social networks. Facilitating the choice of items and order taking, especially for indirect categories increasingly delegated to operational staff (prescribers, end users), they represent more than half of the amount of these purchases in nearly four out of ten companies (39%). The proportion would be between 20 and 50% among a quarter of respondents (26%) and, fairly (17.5%), between 5 and 20% or below 5%. In addition to framing purchases by massifying orders on referenced suppliers and on contractually agreed terms, catalogs provide an e-commerce environment, which everyone masters today in their personal life. They make it possible to drastically reduce wild shopping and billing-payment problems, since each expense corresponds to an order, and avoid a drift in administrative costs by simplifying operations and limiting disputes.