Realizing the impact of the quality of the information manipulated on their performance, the function places increasing importance on the tools and methods to consolidate, clean, structure and enrich the bases...
Realizing the impact of the quality of the information manipulated on their performance, the function places increasing importance on the tools and methods to consolidate, clean, structure and enrich the bases...
Promoted by a growing number of players in the digitalization of purchases, the concept of "Business networks" has been gaining momentum in recent years and is shaking up the ecosystem of tools for steering the buyer-supplier relationship...
This barometer, launched by Acxias, aims to measure the ability of suppliers to collaborate with their customers through digital tools and channels. All companies, regardless of their industry and size, are invited to participate.
With AI, a new milestone is being reached, which aims to assist buyers in their data analysis and operational tasks: research, extraction, classification and analysis of information, automation of entire sequences of activities...
The hundred or so publishers present on the French chessboard of digital purchasing solutions are divided according to a new configuration, taking into account, among other criteria, their location, their specialization and their functional coverage...
Riding the wave of digitalization, the purchasing software market is experiencing an unprecedented dynamic, with an increase in renewal or first deployment projects. A look back at twenty years full of small stories and great twists...
Le point sur les bénéfices que l'on peut attendre des 4 quatre couches principales d'un système d'information achats : les processus opérationnels "source-to-contract" et "procure-to-pay", ainsi que les différents volets de pilotage de la fonction et de gestion de la relation fournisseurs...
From the purchasing strategy to the integration of new skills, through the extension of the purchase coverage, risk mapping, the challenge of need, the management of administrative costs or better contract management: 13 levers to make the purchasing function more efficient...
Purchasing must meet the multiple challenges, and in particular, address the challenges of digitalization of activities. To do this, new talents are needed, but also new tools that it is imperative to master to effectively meet expectations and maximize gains...
The company relies on purchases to identify and control risks, and more generally to contribute to its competitiveness and generate increasing added value, in line with the objectives and strategy of the organization. A round-up of the (many) challenges to be met...