As part of the setting up a digital purchasing solution deployment, which can affect all of the organization's employees, driving change aims to communicate and support all users and stakeholders involved.
Objective: Ensure that new practices are implemented and that the solution is widely used, appropriately, to achieve the project's objectives.
"Acxias' availability and ability to convince has motivated all teams to succeed in this ambitious project. Acxias is committed and has succeeded in its mission despite cultural obstacles"
To maximize user buy-in, Acxias advocates a collaborative approach that places future users at the heart of the process: specifications, choice of solution, etc. It is mainly a question of managing the conduct of change as a project in the more global project of digital transformation, in four stages, each with a specific objective.
It is a matter of gradually bringing the organization to maturity on the changes to be implemented, and to evolve smoothly and guided towards new practices and the target digital solution.